Monday, November 10, 2008

Networking is working

I have made a server that will accept 4 different clients. Now I just have to figure out how to send data back and forth so I can regulate the game play. I guess dealing out the cards is the next step, but I won't be working on it for a while... until christmas is my guess.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

State Machine

I need to do some brainstorming, but here is my idea for the states....

Wait for 4 players to join and enter team and name.
Create Player Objects.
Deal cards on server.
Display dealt cards to players.
Start Bidding with player 1
Wait for each player to bid in turn until all but 1 pass.
Start Game Play with player that won the bid.
Wait for player to click on a card to play.
Validate that it is the player's turn.
Validate that it is a valid card.
When all cards are played, update score and move to next player.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Make a Million Blog

I want to make a game called make a million and I plan to document some of the progress here. So far I plan to use a couple of C++ libraries. I think it will be a stand alone program that will work over the network. I plan to skip the AI for now and just have human players. Here are the libraries I am looking at: